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Kokkalis Foundation has joined the World Urban Campaign as an Associate partner

Kokkalis Foundation, is happy to announce that starting October 2020, it has joined the World Urban Campaign as an Associate partner. The World Urban Campaign (WUC) is an advocacy and partnership platform to raise awareness about positive urban change in order to achieve green, productive, safe, healthy, inclusive, and well-planned cities. Its goal is to place the Urban Agenda at the highest level in development policies. It is coordinated by UN-Habitat and driven by a large number of committed partners - currently 210 partners and networks - from around the world, Red Dot Foundation, Mumbai Environmental Social Network, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Jamaica Family Planning Association, ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΓΗ, ecological sequestration trust, WWF, are some of them.

The World Urban Campaign builds on the main legacy of the Habitat II Conference (Istanbul, 1996). In particular, the campaign comes as a direct response to the need for partnerships between governments and civil society organizations, local authorities, the private sector, the research community, trade unions, parliamentarians, professional organizations, youth and women groups, in order to achieve sustainable urban development.

The World Urban Campaign Partners agreed on seven principles which have been driving the WUC and its partners since 2010:

Paris Principles:

  1. Accessible and pro-poor land, infrastructure, services, mobility and housing;

  2. Socially inclusive, gender sensitive, healthy and safe development;

  3. Environmentally sound and carbon-efficient built environment;

  4. Participatory planning and decision making;

  5. Vibrant and competitive local economies promoting decent work and livelihoods;

  6. Assurance of non-discrimination and equal rights to the city; and

  7. Empowering cities and communities to plan for and effectively manage adversity and change.

You may read more at, or follow WUC on Twitter @urbancampaign, LinkedIn (World Urban Campaign), Instagram @worldurbancampaign & Facebook Page (UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign).


Irodotou 23, 106 74

Athens, Greece

+30 216 8003090-91

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