The C1 Training Activity of #HelpMi Project, a Learning and Teaching Training with 3 days duration, was successfully completed in November 2020, with the participation of specialized Trainers, aiming to help HR Professionals acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for the effective inclusion of migrants in their work environment. The Training Activity was held virtually via Zoom Platform and the Coordinator partner was
Enoros Consulting Ltd. During the 3-day training, the participants discussed the Methodology and training materials of Intellectual Output 2 and 3 of the project, the Capacity Building Course for HR Professionals and the Digitalized Training Package for employees with a migrant background and moreover effective ways how to deliver the trainings virtually.
#HelpMi Project, Helping migrants to integrate in work environments, is an #Erasmus+ Key Action 2, aiming to train HR professionals to help migrants or employees with a migrant background to integrate more effectively in the labor market and their work environments.
For more information about the project please visit the Project’s website: https://helpmi.eu/ #ErasmusPlus #Erasmus #HRprofessionals #migrants #labor #market